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dressing - TOFF-Interior Design Bangkok


Furnishing the Decoration and Items

With construction and decoration completed we organize a deep clean before installing window treatments and carpets. We then coordinate the delivery and positioning of all furniture and furnishings. We often curate artwork and home accessories at this stage as well, to create the finished look, or we can dress your new interior with your existing treasures, to give each room your own personal stamp.

1104/158 Pattanakarn Road
Suanluang, Bangkok 10250

Kingdom of Thailand

T: +662 006 7767
M: +668 1551 2121

FB: TOFFstudio
Line: @TOFF
WhatsApp: +66815512121
Viber: +66815512121
WeChat: nowrajtborirak
Pinterest: toffstudio
Houzz: TOFF

All Right Reserved @ TOFF

Registered  2007